The CVMA National Issues Committee (NIC) and Animal Welfare Committee (AWC) develop position statements on issues or matters judged to be of concern to CVMA Members. CVMA position statements are intended to:

  • Serve as guidelines and principles that address veterinary issues and the stewardship and welfare of animals.
  • Educate the public on the veterinary viewpoint on select issues.
  • Provide a “forward-thinking” viewpoint on issues based on what is happening, not just in Canadian society and the veterinary profession, but internationally.

Position statements are used by CVMA members, the public, and the media. Position statements are not intended to regulate the profession of veterinary medicine, however, provincial regulatory bodies may consider them when they update or amend veterinary bylaws.

Stages of Development

Identifying the Issues

The CVMA National Issues and Animal Welfares Committees review and monitor veterinary and animal welfare issues on an ongoing basis.

Issues that require a position are identified by these Committees and are recommended to Council for approval.

CVMA Council may also identify an issue on which it requests the Animal Welfare Committee or National Issues Committee to develop a position.

Consultation Process

Draft position statements are carefully drafted by committee members after literature review and expert consultation.

Arriving at the final draft version of a position statement may entail a number of iterations and months of work. Draft position statements are then:

  • Posted in the Position Statements section of the CVMA website to collect input from CVMA Members.
  • Provided to the provincial veterinary regulatory bodies with an invitation to comment.

Approval Process

All feedback on the draft position is taken into account when preparing a final draft version for CVMA Council’s approval.

Final draft versions of positions are reviewed by Council, and approved position statements are then posted on the CVMA website.

Current CVMA Position Statements