While one in five Canadian veterinarians and technologists have reported suicide ideation, burnout, and depression, most will be cautious about talking to a co-worker, friend, or family member about it. They are even less likely to adopt self-care strategies or seek professional help. And while some members of the veterinary profession may not experience mental illness first-hand, it is likely they know someone who has or will experience mental illness.
Merck Animal Health and the CVMA are leading the way to start open and honest conversations about mental health in the veterinary community, help breakdown stigma, and create a community where members look out for and help one another.
Providing Accessible Client Services in Your Veterinary Clinic
Patient Safety Science and Psychological Team Safety in Vet Med
Suicide Awareness in Honour of World Suicide Prevention Day
Befriending Your Nervous System: Navigating the Stress-Mind-Body Connection & Empowering Wellbeing through Nervous System Insights.
First, Do No Harm: Veterinary Workplace Response to Suicide with Dr. Marie Holowaychuk
It’s Time to talk about Trauma in Veterinary Medicine: Build Awareness, Create Connection, and Inspire Hope
Supporting Veterinary Professionals' Mental Health through a Peer-to-Peer Community
Bell Let’s Talk Day – Mental Health Webinar on Alcohol and Substance Use Disorder in Veterinary Professionals: Prevalence, Treatment, and Hope
Time to Talk about Mental Health at Work
Webinar with Mary Ann Baynton in Honour of Canadian Mental Health Week
Q and A Webinar with Dr. Keith Dobson, Psychologist in Honour of Bell Let's Talk Day
Q and A Webinar with Dr. Keith Dobson, Psychologist in Honour of Bell Let's Talk Day
Are You Afraid of Making a Mistake? Perfectionism May Be the Cause. Take Action to Learn How to Manage Perfectionism in a Resilient Way.
Our guest speaker, Dr. Colleen Best, talks about resiliency in the face of perfectionism in veterinary medicine.
Do You Feel Like an Imposter? You Are Not Alone. Take Action to Learn About Imposter Syndrome in Vet Med.
Our guest speaker, Dr. Lori Korgan, talks about "The Imposter Syndrome" and shares insights from her research as to why some of us in the veterinary profession feel like fakes and what we can do about it.
Get Real About Your Mental Health: A Webinar in Honour of CMHA Mental Health Week
Dr. Karen Karsten talks about “The Child Within: How our Childhood Can Shape Adult Behaviours.”
Bell Let’s Talk Day is January 28, 2021
It's Time to Talk about mental health in Vet Med in honour of Bell Let's Talk.
Crafting a Safety Plan to Prevent Suicide
Suicide is a leading cause of death in Canada and for every one suicide death 7 to 10 people's lives are forever changed from the loss. Suicide is preventable and talking about it saves lives.
Working Together to Prevent Suicide in Vet Med
Dr. Elizabeth Spitzer speaks to her findings from the most comprehensive investigation of suicide amongst veterinarian professionals and students to date. Robert Olson from the Centre for Suicide Prevention will explain the value of suicide prevention safety messaging in veterinary clinics and gatekeeper training.
Winning at the Long Game: Workplace Mental Health Policies are the Way Forward
This is a step-by-step webinar on what the policies are, why they are important for the veterinary workplace, and how to implement them.
Staying Psychologically Safe in the Face of Covid-19
Learn about community and social resources for your psych safety and practice an evidence-based mindfulness technique.
It's Time to Talk About Mental Health in Veterinary Medicine
Bell Let's Talk Day is January 29, 2020. The annual Bell Let's Talk awareness campaign is driving the national conversation to help reduce the stigma around mental health and promote awareness and understanding of mental health.
It’s OK to Talk About Emotions: Finding Your Emotional Comfort Zone in Your Veterinary Work
Hear Dr. David Hannah explain what a comfort zone is, how we can be more aware of the zone and its facilitators and hindrances, and do your veterinary work, especially euthanasia and other intense work, more effectively and sustainably.
Suicide Awareness and Prevention in the Canadian Veterinary Profession: Take a Moment and Change a Life
Learn and practice evidence-based coping strategies that have been specifically researched in veterinarians and technologists to help reduce burnout and stress.