The American Veterinary Medical Association’s Committee on Wellness estimates that 11% to 13% of veterinarians are substance abusers, a rate slightly higher than the National Institute on Drug Abuse’s estimates for all medical professionals. Read these articles to understand the risk factors such as ethical dilemmas, workplace issues, stigma and a veterinarian's personal journey.

Resources on Helping Addicted Veterinarians Recover (USA)

Promises P.A.T.H.

Call your provincial veterinary medical association to see if they have a Members Incapacitation Program to help provide resources and support for members in need.

Problematic Substance Abuse

An excellent document has been developed by the College and Association of Registered Nurses of Alberta (CARNA) in 2017 with applicability to problematic substance misuse in veterinary professionals. Read it and learn what to do if a colleague exhibits signs and behaviours of problematic substance misuse and seeking help for oneself.

Problematic Substance Abuse

Canadian Resources on Addiction in the General Population

The Centre for Addiction and Mental Health is Canada's largest mental health teaching hospital and one of the world's leading research centres in its field. Find clear, evidence based information about addiction and substance misuse such as signs and symptoms, FAQs on diagnosis, treatment, services and resources.

Mental Illness & Addiction Index

Dr. Gabor Maté worked for over a decade in Vancouver’s Downtown East Side with patients challenged by drug addiction and mental illness. For his groundbreaking medical work and writing he has been awarded the Order of Canada amongst many other awards. For information on his books, including In the Realm of Hungry Ghosts: Close Encounters With Addiction; and resources on addiction visit his website