This Week's Findings
June 4, 2020
We continue to see weekly transaction levels trail 2019 levels, down 15.4% last week vs. same week 2019.
This is quite different than in the United States where average transactions have been approximately equal to 2019 for four weeks now.
We are able to make this comparison as our PetTrak USA product is conducted using an identical methodology.
For a second straight week we see average transaction levels up >10% relative to 2019, a trend we are also seeing in our U.S. Covid Impact Monitor report.
- Our data source is PetTrak, our global platform for analyzing transactional data from practice management software (PMS)
- Active in the USA, France and Canada
- Includes a nationally representative panel of clinics
- Results are based on hundreds of thousands of patients and millions of transactions
- All data received are anonymized, we identify patients as a record number only
- For our COVID ImpactTracking Report, we only included clinics for which we have sales data in all weeks from 2019 to present
- For further questions, please contact