Grace Munro

As another school year comes to a close, I would like to congratulate everyone on completing another year of studies and bringing yourself one step closer to your goals. I hope this year provided you with opportunities to learn, grow, and further develop your veterinary skills. You should be proud of yourself for facing any challenges that came your way, academically or otherwise, your perseverance is admirable. I extend my best wishes to the class of 2024 as you move into the next phase of your careers, the profession is lucky to have you. I know you will make positive impacts in the communities that you share your newly developed skillsets with.

It has truly been an honor and privilege to represent the SCVMA this year. I have thoroughly enjoyed connecting with so many students and hearing different perspectives from across the country. Collaborating with the other SCVMA representatives to best represent the student voice has been a wonderful experience. In the 2023-2024 academic year the SCVMA successfully hosted meet and greet events with first-year students, One Voice and Hot Topic presentations with insightful speakers, and the SCVMA symposium in Saint-Hyacinthe, QC. I am very thankful for the hard work and dedication of my fellow SCVMA senior representatives, Bailey Brazeau (WCVM), Alice Cheng (FMV), Mitchel Kvacica (OVC) et Sukhjit Sidhu (UCVM). I also appreciate the efforts of the junior representatives, Mia Edger-Lacoursière (FMV), Paisley Johnson (WCVM), Samantha Shute (AVC), Matthew Tornopolski (UCVM) et Bryn Van Winters (OVC). The SCVMA team would not be a success without the guidance and help of Janie Racette. She is a valuable member of the CVMA team, and it has been a pleasure to get to know her.

I wish Edger- Lacoursière (FMV) the very best as she steps into her SCVMA presidency for 2024-2025. After witnessing the hard work Mia put into helping with this year’s SCVMA symposium, I know she is the perfect fit for the role. I know you will make wonderful contributions and I hope you are lucky enough to get as much out of the experience as I have.

Representing the student voice on CVMA council has provided me the opportunity to witness parts of the CVMA decision making process. Through this it has been clear to me that the student members of CVMA are valued and respected. I have also been able to meet so many wonderful students and veterinarians. Veterinary medicine is truly full of inspiring people who I am very excited to be able to call my future colleagues. I encourage students to familiarize yourself with and utilise the resources offered through your CVMA membership, and to consider becoming involved in the organization as you move forward in your career.

It has been a pleasure to represent the student perspective this year. I hope you have an enjoyable summer and a great year ahead!

Grace Munro
SCVMA President, 2023-2024
Atlantic Veterinary College, Class of 2026