In 2017, the CVMA instituted the CVMA International Student Leadership Award. This award consists of a plaque and a monetary award of $2,000 CDN presented annually to a third-year veterinary student who is studying at one of the AVMA-CVMA-COE accredited schools.

Nomination Guidelines

The CVMA will advise each school to ask students to elect nominees based on their leadership and achievement in student affairs. Once nominees have been selected, each school must submit supporting documents (as outlined below) to Janie Racette

Supporting Documents

  • An outline of nominee’s accomplishments making them an ideal candidate (maximum 1,000 words).
  • Letters of Support (five letters maximum; not to exceed 500 words each).

Award Eligibility

All nominees must be a member of the CVMA International Student Affiliate Program.


  • The program coordinator at each school will receive the awards guidelines and selection criteria and will organize the student vote that will select their nominee.
  • The deadline date for submitting the 2025 nominations and supporting documents will be announced early 2025.

Selection Criteria

The CVMA awards selection committee will review each submission and the candidate who best meets the criteria for this award will be chosen as the recipient. 

Congratulations to the following recipients:

  • Tori Shouldice (Intl. - University of Bristol - Bristol Veterinary School)
  • Natasha Martin (Intl. - University of Bristol - Bristol Veterinary School)
  • Ben Taylor (Intl. - University of Glasgow - School of Veterinary Medicine) 
  • Rachel MacLeod (Intl. - University of Glasgow - School of Veterinary Medicine) 
  • Matthew Barnes (Intl. - University of Glasgow - School of Veterinary Medicine)
  • Noreen Wong (Intl. - St. George's University - School of Veterinary Medicine)