I would like to initiate a discussion on the proposed 2015 CVBC bylaws, in order to attempt to make an informed vote. There are hundreds of pages to read, and only one vote, so I am hoping others might point out contentious points in this omnibus bill.
Frankly, I would much prefer the college do away with practice inspections, and create a voluntary practice standard scheme as they have in the UK. (Read about it at http://www.rcvs.org.uk/practice-standards-scheme/ ) Currently, the college requires the same level of faculty standards everywhere, which prevents practices from being formed in remote areas where the economics don't justify it- essentially, everyone must drive a Cadillac, or walk. I may be naive, but it seems to me veterinarians should be deemed to have the integrity to decide what level of equipment is justifiable for the practice area. Equipment lists requiring things like "sterile rumen trochars" are out of place in a profession with the level of responsibility and discretion we have.
Awaiting your thoughts,
Gordon Laity
Dr Laity - your comments seem reasonable.
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Thread - Proposed Bylaw Package
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