Safe Air Travel for Pets

Jun 17, 2025

Air travel can be a stressful experience for anyone, and this is often seen more significantly in pets than people. At best, air travel is associated with a prolonged time in a carrier, strange sounds and smells, and a high stress level from those around them. At worst, air travel can be life threatening if proper care is not taken.

In many situations it is preferable to secure a pet sitter or board the animal rather than subjecting them to the stress of flying.

The hazards of air travel do not usually stem from the actual flying but rather are due to stress and environmental factors. Delays can result in extra time spent on runways before takeoff or after landing. Cargo holds are not pressurized during these times and the surrounding temperature can vary from very hot to very cold. In fact, because of this, some airlines will not permit pets to fly during certain times of the year. We recommend contacting your airline prior to booking to ensure there are no risks and hey will accept your pet on the flight. In general, it is preferred to fly with an animal in the cabin. This will allow them to be monitored for stress, panting, or decompensation, kept in a climate-controlled area, and ensure they have not been injured during luggage loading.

If the animal is small enough, many airlines will allow you to take your pet on board provided the carrier fits under the seat in front of you. Check with your air carrier before flying to see if this is possible.

It is essential to have your pet examined by your veterinarian prior to departure to ensure it is in good health and able to endure the rigours of air travel. Tranquillizers and sedatives are not usually recommended for pets except on the advice of your veterinarian. In most cases, some degree of anxiolytic medication will be recommended to reduce stress and possible associated decompensation. We strongly recommend a “test run” prior to the flight to see how your pet responds to the prescribed dose, and determine if more or less medication is needed. Heavy sedation is not generally recommended as, if complications occur, addressing them can be impossible.

Flying with brachycephalic or “flat faced” animals presents its own issues. These dogs and cats are prone to high anxiety and often cannot tolerate heat or panting without respiratory distress. It can be very difficult to find an adequate level of sedation that is sufficient to reduce stress but not too much to cause breathing issues. It is extremely advisable to fly with these animals in the cabin, if flying is completely necessary.

It is important to remember that large amounts of padding and blankets in a carrier it much more difficult for the pet to regulate its temperature and can also pose a risk of suffocation. Minimal bedding material is preferred for most flights.

For the actual flight, ensure your animal is secured in an approved carrier, purchased either from the airline, a pet store, or an animal hospital. Introduce your pet to the crate several weeks before departure to get them accustomed to it. Ensure that all screws on the crate are secured and tight. Carriers should be labelled "Live Animal" and "This End Up" in letters at least three centimetres high. Also tape crucial identification (name, address, destination) to the crate.

Ensure fresh water will be made available to your pet at some time during or after the flight, especially for longer flights. Food should not be offered during the flight, and ideally only a small meal the morning of departure to reduce the risk of vomiting. If your pet is prone to car sickness, your vet can prescribe an anti-nausea medication. If flying internationally, ensure all required paperwork is ready and completed before flying, and research any quarantine or inspection requirements that may be necessary at your destination.

It is best to travel in off-peak hours and on non-stop flights. Ideally, pets should be last on and first off. Notify the flight attendants that you have a pet on board in case there is a flight delay.

Matthew Kornya, BSc, DVM, DVSc, DACVIM (SAIM)
Consulting Editor                                                                                                                   
August 2024