Bringing Home a New Pet

Apr 14, 2025

Bringing home a new pet is an important and exciting event for all family members. However, there are some important factors to consider before taking a new cat or dog into your home, whether from a humane society, breeder, or elsewhere.

Here are some helpful tips to get you started, including some questions you and your family should talk about ahead of time.

Should we get a purebred, or mixed breed cat or dog? If a purebred, what is the best breed?

The advantage to bringing home a purebred dog or cat is that you will have an animal that will have a generally predictable size and appearance, and some general breed temperament traits that may help you know if this is the right animal for you. However, it is important to ensure that the breeder is reputable and registered, otherwise the animals may not be as expected. It may be difficult to predict the ultimate size and activity level of an animal, especially when adopting very young animals. It is crucial to remember that all animals are individuals, however, and it is never a guarantee even with a purebred that personality or behaviour will meet certain expectations.

Purebreds often come with a purchase guarantee so there is good support from the knowledgeable breeder if health problems occur. This may, however, come with conditions of returning the pet to the breeder, which people are often not willing to do. Reputable breeders should test parents of the puppy for things like eye, liver, kidney, and hip problems (depending on the breed). This shows the breeder cares about the quality of their breed. Popular breeds of both dogs and cats change with time and will vary based on the geographic location and demographics of the adopting population.

There can also be significant downsides to purebred animals. These dogs and cats are often extremely inbred, and may have increased rates of genetic issues, many of which do not manifest until later in life. The phenomenon of “hybrid vigor” is when animals with more mixed genetic backgrounds are often healthier and live longer. Purebred animals also come at a significant cost compared to mixed breed animals, and owners often do not appreciate that this extra cost is not a guarantee of health. Some diseases (such as feline infectious peritonitis) occur at a higher rate in purebred animals. Breeds that experience surges in popularity often have dramatic increases in inbreeding. A lot of wonderful pets can be found at an animal shelter or humane society.

Should we adopt a young puppy or kitten, or is a mature pet better suited for us?

Adopting a young puppy will require extra work and dedication for potty training, leash training, and general obedience training. They also require more supervision than adult animals, and often have more requirements for feeding, walks, and other activities. There is also a larger investment in vaccinations, spaying/neutering, and initial health checks than an adult. New kittens may be less work than puppies when it comes to training but also require more attention than adult cats. Inadequate training can lead to frustration and behaviour problems, or even pet relinquishment.

Mature animals may have less initial investment in time, training, and health care than younger ones; however, they may have behaviour problems, pre-existing training, health issues, or other unexpected findings.

Is a cat or dog more suited to our lifestyle?

Cats are the most common pet in Canada, with dogs a close second. This is in part due to the busy modern lifestyle of many individuals, families, and couples. Cats are easier to keep because they can be left alone for longer periods, don’t require walking, and may often be perceived as more self sufficient. Most people find cats generally less demanding for attention and time than a dog. Despite this, cats do require significant financial, time, and emotional commitment, and consideration is needed before their adoption. While often perceived as less affectionate, most cats will adapt to the way they are raised and treated.Ccats who receive significant attention and affection when young will often be extremely dependant on their owners. Dogs have more predictable commitment requirements but still display significant variation between individuals.

Will the pet be indoors all the time? If outside, do we have a safe area for playtime? Both inside and out, how much room do we have for a pet?

It is crucial to plan for your animal’s space needs at adoption and as they grow. A yard may need a fence in order to prevent roaming and reduce the risk of predation, fights, and vehicular trauma. Some very athletic dog breeds may need a much higher than average fence or they will jump out. Some terriers may dig out under a standard fence, so a buried wire fence may be important pre-planning. Cats are generally able to climb and escape from most fences and, even within a yard, can wreak havoc on local bird and wildlife populations. As such, “catios” or other enclosed spaces can be helpful. Cats that live largely outdoors have a lower incidence of some diseases (such as interstitial cystitis) and less undesirable behaviour (such as urine marking or scratching) but are at higher risk of death from wild animals, infections, and trauma; in general, outdoor cats do not live as long as indoor animals.

Consider what vaccination and parasite prevention plans may be needed for both dogs and cats based on their lifestyles. Microchipping all animals is the best way to ensure they will be returned to you if lost.

Do we have the resources (time, money, etc.) to take care of a new pet?

Owning a pet is expensive, not just financially but also in terms of time and emotional resources. The average lifetime costs of pet ownership are in the many thousands of dollars. Pets are living live longer because of better nutrition, higher standard of home care, and advances in veterinary medicine. The level of care that is available for a pet is also much greater.

Make a budget for pet ownership and ensure you can meet it before bringing an animal you’re your home. Don’t forget equipment, toys, leashes, collars, food, pet beds, kennels, grooming, boarding, training, and regular medical care. Consider the size of the animal (giant breed dogs consume large amounts of food) and specific breed related needs (i.e. grooming). Consider that your expectations may not be realistic for a given animal; what if they require a specialized food, or a daily medication? Is this within the estimated budget? Look up common dietary and health issues for your breed, and account for the need for those medications.

Strongly consider pet insurance. While this is not the right option for everyone, veterinary care is increasingly expensive as there is more access to intensive and complex treatment protocols. Surgical and medical costs can easily be many thousands of dollars in many situations. Decide on what you would and would not be willing and able to cover. If your two-year-old dog requires dialysis for leptospirosis, do you have the ability to cover a $25,000 bill, or is insurance the best option for you? If purchasing insurance, make sure you know what you are getting; many plans have caps on how much will be covered, have complex deductible and co-pay structures, and have significant limitations and exclusions. 

Time is another issue where it is important to be realistic. If you do not have plenty of spare time, perhaps owning a pet is not the best option for you at this time. Any pet requires care, and a mental and emotional commitment. Sometimes people abandon their pets if they have not thought things through ahead and find the pet unsuitable, too much work, too expensive, etc. If you cannot easily accommodate significant changes to your routine, it’s best to refrain from getting a pet.

Do we know how to train and handle this pet?

Handling a pet properly requires some familiarity with the species. Do you know how to carry a cat or properly restrain a dog? Understanding the normal behaviour of your possible future pet is important. Familiarize yourself with proper (and unacceptable) ways to train animals and have an understanding of what behaviours are normal for a given pet. Expecting a cat to not scratch or a dog to not bark is unrealistic, and while proper training, socialization, and interactions can limit the degree of some of these behaviours, it is important to know what is actually a “problem” and what is normal.

There are lots of things to know about handling and training which you should understand before you bring a pet home. Talking to your local dog trainer, veterinarian, and veterinary technicians about the facts, and tips and tricks for the type of pet you intend to adopt is important. Veterinarians are well trained to counsel people regarding pet adoption. Make an appointment with a local veterinarian/technician who handles the species you wish to adopt. They can help answer many questions.

Have we bought the right equipment? Is the house “kitten and puppy proofed?”

Buy only the equipment you need to start but ensure all the basic requirements are met. You can add luxury items later, but it is important to have food and water bowls, bedding and crates, carriers, leashes, and litter boxes at the time of adoption.

Ensure all items are pet safe. Toys should be well constructed, the correct size for the pet, and not have loose parts that can be bitten off and swallowed. Consider the puppy or kitten to be similar to a human toddler. Loose wires should be tucked away, human food well out of reach of the animal, and socks and shoes not left around on the floor. Sewing needles and thread are often ingested by cats and should be safely put away. Keep toxic chemicals, cleaning supplies, and medications out of reach. Lock cabinets containing chemicals and drugs.

Ensure any breakable items, jewelry, or other valuable are carefully put away in an inaccessible spot.

Is our knowledge up to date?

Use your veterinary healthcare team, reputable internet websites, and breeders to help you get ready. Keep in mind that there is a wide variety of information available on pet care, much of which is contradictory and some blatantly incorrect. In many cases there are several correct approaches, however they may not be compatible with each other. Your preparation for the new adoptee is not finished until you have a good understanding of basic health and nutrition, first aid, training and housing needs, and normal behaviour and handling. It can be difficult to determine what information to rely on, so speak to your veterinarian to determine what information is correct and what approaches should be taken that best suit your family.

Mot importantly, have fun! Make learning a family experience and work together to make the adoption a success. This often means the difference between a lifetime of pleasure with a pet, or a pet relinquished. Make your life and the pet’s life fun and easy by preparing well.

Dr. Matthew Kornya, BSc, DVM, DVSc, DACVIM (SAIM), Resident ACVECC
Consulting Editor
March 2025