CVJ - October 2024, Vol. 65, No. 10
Case Reports
Inadvertent removal of a needle foreign body via endoscopic suctioning in a dog
Jayden Li, John Mallard, Brittany Hyde, Bianca Zampieri, Rebecca Walton (page 994)
A 6-month-old intact female English bulldog was presented following witnessed ingestion of a sewing needle. The dog underwent attempted endoscopic retrieval under general anesthesia. The needle foreign body was visualized but could not be removed due to orientation, and subsequent attempts at visualization were unsuccessful. Due to the unsuccessful removal, radiographs were obtained before intended surgical exploration, and no sewing needle was identified. The needle was subsequently identified in the working channel of the endoscope, and the dog recovered uneventfully. This is the first report to describe inadvertent endoscopic suctioning of a sharp, needle foreign body.
Key clinical message:
Endoscopy is a key tool in the management and treatment of sharp gastric foreign bodies. Complications are uncommon and typically patient-focused, including gastric perforation or irritation. However, this case report identifies an additional complication that should be considered when endoscopy is not successful.
Porcine small intestinal submucosa biomaterial graft for repair of a congenital pleuroperitoneal hernia in a kitten
Fernando P. Freitas, Katie Hoddinott (page 999)
In this case, porcine small intestinal submucosa (pSIS) was used to repair a large congenital diaphragmatic hernia in a kitten. The pSIS was moistened in saline, folded in half, and sutured to the remnant of the right hemidiaphragm. The animal was determined to be doing well clinically and radiographically 12 wk after procedure. At 8.5 mo of age, the kitten was spayed, and the diaphragm was inspected, revealing a thin, semitransparent membrane at the central region of the previous pSIS graft. Serial thoracic radiographs may be an effective way to reach a diagnosis of a diaphragmatic hernia if not clearly identifiable on initial radiographs. Surgeons should be prepared to use alternative techniques to close large diaphragmatic defects. Porcine SIS was demonstrated to be a strong, easy-to-use, readily available, and effective technique to close a large defect in the diaphragm with excellent results in the short and medium terms. When hernia repair is employed in juvenile animals, reassessment of the diaphragmatic repair should be considered if future abdominal surgeries, such as ovariohysterectomies, are necessary. A functional 8-ply pSIS should be considered in cats and dogs as it has a lower complication and graft failure rate.
Key clinical message:
When serial radiographs fail to diagnose a diaphragmatic hernia when one is highly suspected, other modalities, such as ultrasonography or other contrast modalities, should be considered. A functional 8-ply pSIS should be considered to reconstruct the diaphragm, particularly in growing animals, as it is an effective graft with low complication and graft failure rates.
Presumed solitary ocular lymphoma of large B-cell origin with Mott cell change in a dog
Yunho Jeong, Mark Chalkley, Ho Hyun Kwak, Sooyoung Choi, Jin-Young Chung, Heung Myong Woo, Jin-Ok Ahn (page 1006)
A 4-year-old female Maltese dog was referred to our veterinary hospital with uveitis and conjunctivitis of the right eye. An ophthalmological evaluation revealed an intraocular mass that appeared to originate from the anterior uvea. Metastasis and regional invasion were not detected with CT examination. Enucleation of the right eye was recommended; however, the owner declined treatment. Six months later, the dog was re-presented with a right facial mass. At presentation, superficial lymph node enlargement was not appreciated, and no apparent alterations were noted on blood analysis or urinalysis. Computed tomography revealed an intraocular mass that invaded the surrounding tissues, including the frontal sinus. Presumed solitary ocular lymphoma with a large B-cell phenotype and Mott cell change was diagnosed via histopathological and immunohistochemical examination of a biopsy of the lesion. As the mass was too large for complete excision, neoadjuvant chemotherapy was administered. Complete remission was achieved using the L-COAP protocol and successful exenteration of the right eye. However, the dog was returned with enlargement of the right retropharyngeal lymph nodes. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first case report of presumed solitary ocular lymphoma with a large B-cell phenotype displaying Mott cell change in a dog.
Key clinical message:
This is the first reported case of a presumed solitary ocular lymphoma with a large B-cell phenotype and Mott cell change. Although systemic involvement was observed 6 mo after the initial visit, neoadjuvant chemotherapy and exenteration were effective.
Presence of pneumatosis intestinalis in a dog with multicentric lymphoma
Megan Collins, Iain Keir (page 1013)
A 13-year-old neutered male Lagotto Romagnolo dog had ultrasonographic and computed tomographic findings of pneumatosis intestinalis after presentation to the emergency department because of progressive diarrhea and hyporexia. Further investigations produced a diagnosis of multicentric lymphoma, and treatment with chemotherapy was commenced. Clinical remission of lymphoma was achieved and coincided with resolution of pneumatosis intestinalis on subsequent computed tomographic imaging.
Key clinical message:
Consider underlying pathology such as neoplasia in cases of pneumatosis intestinalis after excluding surgical emergent causes.
Peritoneal pericardial diaphragmatic hernia with an incidental finding of suspected right ventricular wall aneurysms in a dog
Agnieszka B. Fracka, Surabhi Sharma, Ryan Baumwart, Tina J. Owen (page 1019)
A 3-year-old neutered male standard poodle mix dog was presented because of acute onset vomiting, increased respiratory effort, hyporexia, and progressive lethargy. On physical examination, intermittent tachycardia, tachypnea with mildly increased respiratory effort, and bilateral ventral muffled lung sounds were noted. Thoracic and abdominal computed tomography with contrast revealed a peritoneal pericardial diaphragmatic hernia (PPDH) with herniation of the liver and gallbladder, moderate abdominal lymphadenopathy, and mild pleural effusion. The dog underwent an emergency laparotomy and median sternotomy. Right ventral PPDH with a herniated, necrosed, and nonviable quadrate liver lobe and gallbladder; 2 suspected right ventricular (RV) aneurysms; and generalized mesenteric and portal lymphadenopathy were present. The affected liver lobe and gallbladder were removed; suspected aneurysms were managed by placing 2 purse-string sutures around the lesions and anchoring a pericardial flap over the aneurysms. The dog developed a ventricular arrhythmia postoperatively. Due to the arrhythmia and intraoperative findings of suspected aneurysms, echocardiography was performed and revealed focal RV systolic dysfunction, left ventricular systolic dysfunction, mild left ventricular dilation, and a hyperechoic area on the RV free wall, consistent with the purse string. An angiotensin-converting-enzyme (ACE) inhibitor was prescribed for left ventricular dilation. The dog was discharged 4 d postoperatively and was doing well 12 mo postoperatively. To our knowledge, this is the first report of a PPDH and suspected concurrent RV wall aneurysm in a dog successfully treated with a purse string and pericardial flap.
Key clinical message:
An RV aneurysm is extremely rare yet can be life-threatening in small animals. Early detection and treatment may minimize the risk of aneurysm rupture and sudden death.
Resolution of dynamic left ventricular outflow tract obstruction and reversible left ventricular hypertrophy in 4 cats
Kailah Buchanan, Clinton Lynn, Clay Hallman, Justin Thomason (page 1028)
This case series describes spontaneous resolution of systolic anterior motion of the mitral valve, cessation of a dynamic left ventricular outflow tract obstruction, and reverse cardiac remodeling in 4 young cats. Following initial presentation with or without congestive heart failure, subsequent rechecks documented resolution of systolic anterior motion of the mitral valve and normalization of left heart dimensions. Those cats originally presented with congestive heart failure were successfully weaned off diuretic medications. Atenolol was prescribed to all 4 cats, and all remained on oral atenolol through the final recheck. There was no documented recurrence of progressive heart disease and heart failure in any of the cats. Consideration is given to transient myocardial thickening, spontaneous resolution of mitral valve dysplasia, and response to beta-1 adrenergic antagonism as possible underlying mechanisms.
Key clinical message:
When presented with young cats with hypertrophic obstructive cardiomyopathy, veterinarians should consider multiple differential diagnoses, as lifespan in these cases may be longer than typically expected for cats with primary hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, even with concurrent congestive heart failure.
Presumptive motor neuron degeneration in an adult cat
Dezirae Leger, Sarah Bater, Mathieu Victor Paulin, Kathleen Linn, Susan Taylor, G. Diane Shelton (page 1034)
An 8-year-old neutered male Bengal cat was referred because of a 1-year history of progressive and relapsing generalized muscle weakness and muscle atrophy. Before referral, the cat was treated with immunosuppressive doses of oral prednisolone, intermittently for 6 mo, and had responded well when the immunosuppressive dose was maintained. Generalized paresis, diffuse muscle atrophy, and diminished spinal reflexes were present in all limbs, consistent with a generalized lower motor neuron disease. Histopathologic evaluation of muscle biopsies confirmed a pattern of muscle fiber atrophy consistent with chronic and severe denervation. No specific abnormalities were identified in the nerve biopsy or within intramuscular nerve branches. A presumptive antemortem diagnosis of an adult-onset motor neuron degeneration resembling amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or spinal muscle atrophy was suspected. However, given the response to immunosuppressive doses of corticosteroids, an autoimmune process or other degenerative process could not be definitively excluded.
Key clinical message:
In this case, an adult cat had a chronic, progressive history of lower motor neuron weakness and absent spinal reflexes; biopsies revealed a neurogenic pattern of muscle fiber atrophy and histologically normal peripheral nerve and intramuscular nerve branches. Although reports of motor neuron disease are rare in the veterinary literature, this case report highlights the importance of muscle and nerve biopsies that lead to a presumptive diagnosis of motor neuron degeneration.
Serum selenium concentrations in neonatal calves: Influence of postnatal selenium injection and health status
Lydia T. Stahl, Kathrin Büttner, Judith Krohn, Axel Wehrend (page 1041)
Selenium supply plays a major role in calf rearing, as a deficiency can lead to health problems, economic loss, and even death. Therefore, postnatal selenium injections are often administered as a preventive measure.
In this study, we examined the serum selenium concentrations of healthy and sick calves within the first days of life. Further, serum concentrations after injection with selenium were determined.
Animals and procedure
Serum selenium concentrations from 75 calves were measured until the 10th d of life and the differences between sick and healthy calves were investigated. The variations in selenium concentration were analyzed 3 and 6 d after subcutaneous injection of 5.5 mg sodium selenite in 32 calves.
To compare serum concentrations between healthy and sick calves, an independent samples t-test was used. For unequal variances, the Satterthwaite method was used; and for equal variances, the pooled sample variance was used. To analyze the statistical differences between the concentrations at different time points, the data were log-transformed and the Bonferroni correction was used.
The mean initial selenium concentration was 46 ± 37 µg/L. There was no statistically significant difference (P = 0.60) between sick (46 ± 34 µg/L) and healthy (46 ± 47 µg/L) calves. Serum selenium concentrations 3 and 6 d after injection of calves over 3 samples were 62 ± 19 µg/L and 50 ± 13 µg/L, respectively. Calves with an initial serum concentration of ≥ 72 µg/L showed a decrease of serum selenium concentration despite the injection.
Conclusion and clinical relevance
Newborn calves showed a high variation in selenium concentration that was not influenced by health status. A single injection of 5.5 mg of sodium selenite did increase the selenium concentration in calves with selenium undersupply. After injection, none of the calves showed serum concentrations above the reference range for adult cattle. Therefore, the indication for a selenium injection can be interpreted generously if selenium undersupply is suspected.
Equine intraocular melanocytic neoplasia
Amber L. Labelle, Anne M. Gemensky Metzler, Richard J. McMullen Jr., K. Tomo Wiggans, Philippe Labelle, Ralph E. Hamor (page 1048)
To describe the clinical appearance, histopathology, and treatment of equine intraocular melanocytic neoplasia in adult horses.
Animals and procedure
A retrospective review of medical records was conducted. Data recorded included signalment, ocular examination findings, physical examination findings, therapeutic interventions, and case outcomes. Histopathologic characteristics of enucleated globes were evaluated. A Student’s t-test was used to evaluate differences in the interval from diagnosis to last known outcome between horses receiving therapeutic interventions and horses undergoing monitoring alone.
Of the 55 horses included, Arabian was the most common breed (15/55, 27%). Gray was the most common coat color (85%). Physical examination was completed for 75% of horses at time of diagnosis, and of those, 67% had cutaneous melanoma. The interval from diagnosis to last known outcome was not different (P = 0.312) between horses that underwent monitoring alone (median: 2.0 y) and those that received treatment (mean: 2.25 y).
Equine intraocular melanocytic neoplasms are highly associated with cutaneous melanoma and gray coat color, and they are more prevalent than previously published reports suggest.
Clinical relevance
A complete ophthalmic examination is indicated for all horses with cutaneous melanoma. Additional research into the timing and rationale for treatment of intraocular melanocytic neoplasia is necessary.
Assessment of the circulating inflammatory mediator interleukin-8 in dogs with tracheal collapse
Erin Toone, Megan Grobman, Kara Lascola, Amy Yanke, Tekla Lee-Fowler (page 1055)
Tracheal collapse (TC) is an obstructive respiratory disorder in dogs that can affect lifespan and quality of life. Systemic inflammation has been identified in other obstructive airway conditions in dogs and humans. We hypothesized a systemic pro-inflammatory state exists in dogs with TC.
Dogs with TC (TC, n = 15) and healthy, non-affected controls (C, n = 15), were prospectively enrolled.
Signalment and body condition score (BCS) were recorded for all dogs. For TC dogs, cough duration, pharyngeal collapse, bronchial collapse, and previous stent placement were recorded. Plasma samples were banked at -80°C and batch-analyzed for interleukin-8 (IL-8). Differences between groups were evaluated.
Yorkshire terriers were overrepresented in the TC group. The TC group was older than the C group and had a higher BCS. Interleukin-8 was significantly greater in the TC compared to the C group. Interleukin-8 was not correlated with age sex, BCS, breed, cough duration, pharyngeal collapse, bronchial collapse, or stent placement.
Conclusion and clinical relevance
Increased plasma IL-8 concentration supports the presence of systemic inflammation in canine TC. Dogs with TC were older than controls, with a higher BCS, but this did not account for the increased IL-8. Further investigation of IL-8 as a potential biomarker for monitoring TC progression and therapeutic response is warranted.
Development of non-pulmonary soft-tissue metastasis is not a poor prognostic indicator in dogs with metastatic appendicular osteosarcoma
Gabrielle S. Fontes, Kira L. Bourne, Shay Bracha, Kaitlin M. Curran, Matthew Cook, Janis M. Lapsley, Hunter J. Piegols, Laura E. Selmic (page 1061)
To evaluate whether patient factors affect development of non-pulmonary soft-tissue metastases following treatment of canine appendicular osteosarcoma and to report and compare outcomes to those in dogs with pulmonary or osseous metastases.
Animals and procedure
The records of 3 veterinary teaching hospitals were reviewed to identify dogs that received definitive treatment for a primary appendicular osteosarcoma lesion and chemotherapy between January 2010 and June 2022. Dogs with non-pulmonary metastases following initial treatment were included. Descriptive statistics were calculated to summarize signalment information, and metastasis and survival times were compared between groups using Kaplan-Meier survival analysis and log-rank tests.
Thirty-six and 109 dogs developed non-pulmonary soft-tissue metastases and pulmonary or osseous metastases, respectively, following initial treatment. No patient factors were significantly associated with development of non-pulmonary soft-tissue metastases. The median times to non-pulmonary soft-tissue metastasis or initial pulmonary or osseous metastasis were 220 and 169 d, respectively (P = 0.18); whereas overall median survival times were 250 and 270 d, respectively (P = 0.36).
Dogs with non-pulmonary soft-tissue metastases had similar disease-free intervals and survival rates to dogs with typical pulmonary or osseous metastases.
Student Paper
Emphysematous splenic torsion in a German shepherd dog
Logan A. Vaitkus, Jasmine Gu, Sally L. Sukut (page 1071)
A 9-year-old castrated male German shepherd dog was presented because of a 2-day history of lethargy and anorexia. Abdominal distention and free peritoneal fluid were noted on physical examination, which prompted radiographs revealing a large, soft tissue and stippled gas opaque structure in the right cranial abdomen. Computed tomography was used to further describe the structure and assess for comorbidities in the dog. Both CT and abdominal radiographs supported a diagnosis of emphysematous splenic torsion. The enlarged spleen was surgically extracted, along with sections of necrotic omentum. Four days after the procedure, the dog developed a portal vein thrombus and secondary abdominal effusion, which ultimately led to the decision for humane euthanasia. Veterinarians should know the different imaging modalities used to diagnose splenic torsion and the possible postoperative complications following treatment.
Quiz Corner
(page 992)
What can The Canadian Veterinary Journal do to assist in bringing good humor and joy to the profession?
John Kastelic, Tim Ogilvie (page 984)
Veterinary Medical Ethics
(page 988)
Environmental Biology, One Health and Veterinary Epidemiology
R.S. Gainer (page 1076)
One Health
One Health surveillance of antimicrobial resistance and use by the Canadian Integrated Program for Antimicrobial Resistance Surveillance (CIPARS)
Angelina L. Bosman, Frederick Uhland, Agnes Agunos, Carolee A. Carson (page 1081)
McEachran Institute Dialogues
Transforming wildlife health professionals into effective participants in socio-ecological problem-solving
Andrew Peters, Lisa Adams, Theodore R. Alter (page 1086)
Food Animal Matters
Telemedicine? ...telehealth? …Maybe you should tell me more?
Robert Tremblay (page 1089)
Index of Advertisers
(page 1078)
Business Directory
(page 1093)