Changing Dynamics of Private Practice
Veterinary private practice is rapidly changing. Corporate practice ownership is the new reality facing graduates as they prepare to enter the workforce and for those veterinarians that are planning an exit strategy. As client expectations and the level of veterinary care that the veterinary team provides to its patients continue to rise, so too does the stress that private practitioners feel as they try to meet these demands. Join us in Vancouver as the veterinary profession addresses these challenges and provides real strategies for dealing with these concerns.
The 2018 CVMA Summit was held on July 5, 2018, from 8 a.m. until noon, during the CVMA Convention in Vancouver, British Columbia. It was chaired by Dr. Terri Chotowetz, CVMA President-Elect.

Dr. Cindy Adams speaks on experiences in veterinary communication education for a successful practice.

Dr. Marie Holowaychuk speaks on habits to form that foster resilience in veterinary medicine.

Dr. Gudrun Ravetz speaks about what corporate veterinary practices mean for the profession.
Powerpoint Presentations
- Corporate Veterinary Practice. What does it mean for the profession? Dr. Gudrun Ravetz
- How to Form Habits that Foster Resilience - Dr. Marie Holowaychuk
- Experience in Veterinary Communication Education for Practice Success - Dr. Cindy Adams
Speaker Bios Preliminary Schedule