"I walked away (from the ELP) with an excitement and energy to get more involved in my clinic and community, and to try and move beyond the everyday routine of veterinary medicine."
"The highlight of the program was the phenomenal speaker who was brought in to run the program. Dr. Rick DeBowes was an engaging speaker and covered a wide variety of topics in a short amount of time."
"This was a fantastic program that I felt filled some gaps in my prior veterinary training. I found it encouraging and some of the ideas presented are already a part of the curriculum in veterinary schools currently. I could foresee a whole branch of personal development continuing education opportunities arising from this, and would love to attend this program next year."
"It has created an energy within me that will enable me to become more involved in my local veterinary community, and my community as a whole."
"It has helped me understanding the balance between dependence and empowerment as well as the balance between holding on and letting go of control. There is a 'happy place' in there somewhere – I just need to find it!"
"This session has helped me to be able to listen better and encourage others to do the same, particularly in a confrontational situation."
"FANTASTIC workshop, much better than I expected."