Basic and Clinical Sciences Examination

The Basic and Clinical Sciences Examination (BCSE) is designed to assess basic and clinical veterinary sciences knowledge. The knowledge level expected to receive a passing score on the BCSE is that of an entry-level veterinarian (i.e., a new graduate of an accredited veterinary school). The computer-based BCSE consists of 225 multiple-choice questions, many with graphics, which must be completed within a 220-minute test session. In addition, your four-hour testing appointment will include a brief tutorial to introduce you to computer-based testing and an exit evaluation at the end.

Graduates of a non-accredited veterinary school must first pass the BCSE to be eligible to appear for the NAVLE and the PSA/CPE. Such candidates may then choose the order in which they will appear for the exams, either NAVLE first or PSA/CPE first.

North American Veterinary Licensing Examination

The North American Veterinary Licensing Examination (NAVLE®) comprises 360 multiple choice questions, which are administered one at a time by computer. Approximately 15% to 20% of the questions will include relevant graphic or pictorial information (photograph, radiograph, chart, etc.). This exam is designed to measure one’s general knowledge base in the various scientific disciplines required in veterinary medicine. The NAVLE requires one full day to complete.

Limit on NAVLE Attempts

Candidates will be permitted to take the NAVLE up to five times, including incomplete attempts.  An incomplete attempt is any attempt where a candidate initiates the NAVLE and responds to questions without completing the exam. 

Candidates may appeal to the ICVA Board of Directors for approval to take the NAVLE more than five times.

This NAVLE retake policy takes effect with the November-December 2024 administration.  Attempts made prior to this administration are counted toward the five-attempt limit.

Candidates requiring further details about the new policy regarding NAVLE attempts should review this link: and/or contact the NEB and ICVA.

Preliminary Surgical Assessment for the CPE

This Qualifying Examination will assess the candidate’s ability to:

  • Prepare a cadaver for a sterile abdominal surgical procedure;
  • Prepare himself/herself for a sterile surgical procedure;
  • Perform a ventral midline celiotomy (approximately 10 cm in length) and close the ventral midline celiotomy, subcutaneous tissue and skin on a cadaver.

Maximum time: 1.5 hours from initiation of cadaver preparation to completion of surgical procedure (placement of final skin suture in the cadaver). Candidates not completing the surgical procedure in this time period will fail the Qualifying Examination.

After the examination the examiners will use 30 minutes to have a short exit interview with the candidate to let them know which skills they have to work on. The results of the examination and a short feedback on the tested skills will be sent to candidates by the NEB office.

There is no limit on retakes for the PSA.

Clinical Proficiency Examination

The Clinical Proficiency Examination (CPE) is a practical examination of the candidate's medical and surgical skills. It is designed to assess the candidate's ability to handle actual medical, surgical and diagnostic problems in a clinical or hospital setting. The CPE involves the examination and treatment of live animals and the performance of routine laboratory procedures.

Each of the exams is described in greater detail here:

Availability of the Examinations

As of April 1st, 2012, the BCSE is offered on a continuous basis and candidates are permitted to take the BCSE three times within a 12 month period. The exam is administered at Prometric Inc.TM test centres throughout Canada, the USA, and selected PTCs overseas. Please visit Prometric’s Web site at to view the list of test centres available to you for the BCSE. You may schedule your BCSE for any available testing date at any testing centre.

The NAVLE is offered during testing windows in April and November/December of each year and is administered at Prometric Test Centres (PTC) in Canada, the United States and U.S. Territories, and at selected PTCs in 13 testing regions overseas. NAVLE test sites are also listed on the Prometric website,

The PSA and the CPE are currently available several times per year at Canadian colleges of veterinary medicine. The CPE is available in French only at the Faculté de médecine vétérinaire (St-Hyacinthe, Québec) usually twice a year. Candidates eligible to take the CPE can register for a CPE seat through the CPE waitlist on the NEB Candidate Portal. CPE and PSA registrations are open continuously. Upon registering for the PSA or CPE, candidates will be placed on a waiting list and will be contacted with the next available exam dates and locations. A limited number of candidates may be tested during each session of the CPE. In providing exam slots to candidates, the NEB gives priority (up to the registration deadline date) to those who wish to obtain a Certificate of Qualification (CQ), as well as those who intend to apply for a license in a Canadian province. A candidate who is unable to attend the CPE session for which they have been allocated a slot will be placed at the bottom of the waiting list for subsequent sessions.

Specific dates and locations of the next examination(s) may be obtained from NEB staff. The NEB reserves the right to change the date and/or location at which any examination is offered. Every effort will be made to ensure candidates are given adequate advance notice of any change.