Repeat of Failed Parts
Basic and Clinical Sciences Examination (BCSE)
A candidate who has failed the BCSE must retake the entire examination. Candidates will be permitted to take the BCSE three times within a 12-month period. For example, if a candidate takes the BCSE on April 1, 2024 he/she will be allowed to take it two more times prior to April 1, 2025. If he/she fails all three attempts with the first being on April 1, 2024, he/she will not be eligible to take the BCSE again until April 1, 2025.
North American Veterinary Licensing Examination® (NAVLE®)
Candidates will be permitted to take the NAVLE up to 5 (five) times, including incomplete attempts. An incomplete attempt is any attempt where the candidate initiates the NAVLE and responds to questions without completing the exam.
Candidates may appeal to the ICVA Board of Directors for approval to take the NAVLE more than 5 (five) times.
This NAVLE retake policy takes effect with the November - December 2024 administration. All attempts made prior to this administration are counted toward the 5-attempt limit.
The ICVA reserves the right to notify licensing boards of all previous attempts by a candidate in any jurisdiction. This notification will not include score information.
Preliminary Surgical Assessment (PSA)
To qualify for the full CPE through the NEB, candidates need to pass the PSA first. There is no limit on the number of PSA retakes that are allowed.
Clinical Proficiency Examination (CPE)
Passing scores in all sections of the CPE are required to pass the examination. A candidate who fails 4 or more sections of the CPE must repeat the entire CPE and will be eligible to retake the full exam after a one-year waiting period.
Candidates who fail 1, 2 or 3 sections of the CPE are allowed two additional opportunities to retake and successfully pass the failed sections as long as the candidates apply for retake within 6 months of each failure and accept one of two retake seats offered. Failure to successfully pass the retake sections within these two additional attempts or failure to accept one of the three retake seats offered will necessitate the candidate retaking the entire CPE.
Please note only a total of two retake attempts are allowed for each failed section, regardless of whether those attempts are completed at an ECFVG- or NEB-approved CPE site.