NTAM Webinar Recording Available for Viewing

March 3, 2025

The recorded 2025 National Tick Awareness Month webinar is now available for viewing.

How to Maximize Pet Owner Understanding and Minimize Gaps in Protection in our Rapidly Changing Canadian Tick Landscape

It’s hard to keep up with the changing tick reality in Canada. It feels like something new is published every week! Dr. Catherine Bouchard, from the Public Health Agency of Canada, shares some “pearls of wisdom” from recent literature and summarizes some key updates related to ticks and tick-borne diseases in Canada with the goal of helping veterinary teams effectively communicate changing risks to pet owners.

Dr. Jason Coe, from the University of Guelph, focuses on how we can help pet owners understand the value of your tick control recommendations and how this understanding can minimize gaps in protection. Using the Spectrum of Care approach, Dr. Coe explores the benefit of providing options to pet owners when engaging in tick control discussions.

Watch the recording here.