CVMA Member Dr. Henry Ceelen Named to Board of Directors for Animal Health Canada

December 8, 2023

Animal Health Canada’s (AHC) Board accepted the CVMA's nomination of Dr. Henry Ceelen to serve as a Director at Large during its November, 2023 meeting.

Dr. CeelenDr. Ceelen will serve on the Board until the AHC Annual General Meeting in September 2024 at which point a membership vote will occur.

Dr. Ceelen is a long-time member and contributor to the CVMA. He was recently the Chair of the CVMA National Issues Committee and currently serves as a member. He has been involved in a mixed animal rural veterinary practice in eastern Ontario since 1981. His professional activity has been almost exclusively large animal (primarily bovine and dairy) since 1992. Dr. Ceelen has been involved in veterinary affairs with a variety of organizations for many decades, including the Canadian Association of Bovine Veterinarians, Ontario Association of Bovine Practitioners, Ontario Veterinary Medical Association, and Dairy Farmers of Canada. He represented the CVMA on the working group that brought the vision for Animal Health Canada to fruition.

Dr. Ceelen replaces Dr. Catherine Filejski, President and CEO of the Canadian Animal Health Institute, on the Board of Directors. Dr. Filejski graciously offered her seat on the Board to ensure AHC includes a perspective from the practicing, livestock veterinary community to assist in meeting its mandate.

For more information about the AHC Board of Directors, including the FPT Governments Advisory Council, please visit the AHC website.