
Recommend accreditation standards for animal health technologist / veterinary technician education, respond to requests for CVMA accreditation of AHT/VT programs, review and propose amendments to standards for education and training of qualified veterinary health care team personnel.



Dr. Jocelyn Forseille (AB)


Dr. Laura Van Helten (ON)
Dr. Robyn Rodgers (AB)

Member, American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA)

Dr. Brent Wooden

Member, Registered Veterinary Technologists and Technicians of Canada (RVTTC)

Ms. Heather Quilty, RVT (NL)

Council Liaison

Dr. Lorie Gold (ON)
Ms. Lois Ridgway, RVT (SK)
Dr. Penny Richards (NS)

CVMA Staff Resource